(a) MS2 data
from [NH2(CH3)2][RingMn] (10 μM in 500 μM
NaI and 4:1 toluene/methanol) at Elab =
110 eV, following selection of [RingMn]− (m/z = 2188). Inset:
structure of [RingMn]− (Cr:
green, Mn: cyan, F: yellow, O: red, C: gray) with an Å ruler
based on crystal structure coordinates. Hydrogen atoms in the tert-butyl groups were omitted for clarity. (b) CCSN2 Distributions of [RingMn]− and selected fragments (1–3) at
Elab = 110 eV. (c) Normalized survival yield vs Ecom for [RingM]− fitted to a sigmoidal Hill function (M = Mn: cyan,
Fe: purple, Co: orange, Ni: black, Cu: green, Zn: red, Cd: blue).
(d) E50 values for the dissociation of
the anionic rings [RingM]− with respect to M (Table S1). Error bars
are shown and in most cases are smaller than the symbol size.