Figure 4.
Disassembly of [RingM]−, [PhM + A]+ and [AmM + A]+ (A+ = H+, Na+) including fragmentation channels, determining stability factors, and CCSN2 (Cr: green, M: black, N: blue, Rest: white). Top: suggested loss of pivalic acid adjacent to M for the protonated species [PhM + H]+ and [AmM + H]+. Center: predicted conformations of [RingM]− fragments 1–3 involving interconverting helical structures E and closed rings C. CCSN2 values are given for M = MnII. ATD for other d-metals are found in the Supporting Information and the supplementary data set. Bottom: observed slipping mechanism for the sodiated forms [PhM + Na]+ and [AmM + Na]+ including ring widening, showing the intact ring fragments 4–7 in the activated IM-MS spectra.