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. 2021 May 10;74:100612. doi: 10.1016/j.rssm.2021.100612

Table A6.

Robustness Checks: Normal Probit vs. Heckman Probit Models.

Normal Probit Heckman Probit Normal Probit Heckman Probit Normal Probit Heckman Probit
Family vs. Non-family Family vs. All others Money vs. Non-money Money vs. All others New vs. Old New vs. vs. All others
Socio-economic position
Highest Education: Max. compulsory (ref.)
 Max. Secondary Level 0.093 0.102 −0.100 −0.101 0.063 0.084
 Max. A-Levels −0.039 −0.037 0.021 0.011 0.157 0.171
 Tertiary 0.026 0.066 −0.024 −0.023 0.275** 0.286**
HH income: <900 EUR 0.151 0.116 −0.045 −0.047 0.061 0.017
 900−1499 EUR (ref.)
 1500−3999 EUR 0.340*** 0.303** −0.026 −0.027 0.106 0.090
 4000−6000 EUR 0.508*** 0.442** 0.008 0.007 0.087 0.061
 >6000 EUR 0.353* 0.279 0.059 0.052 −0.026 0.006
Age group: 18−34 years (ref.)
 35−50 years −0.279** −0.252* −0.197 −0.198* −0.226* −0.196*
 51−64 years −0.381*** −0.339** −0.250* −0.247* −0.195* −0.167
 65 years or older −0.747*** −0.612*** −0.418* −0.411* −0.630*** −0.477**
Female 0.052 0.039 −0.185* −0.191** 0.085 0.052
Partnered 0.248*** 0.221** −0.049 −0.050 −0.020 −0.029
Has children 0.188* 0.151* 0.037 0.037 0.101 0.079
Urban area −0.120 −0.108 0.164* 0.171* 0.041 0.047
Migration background 0.259 0.270 0.420*** 0.414** −0.003 0.019
Former GDR −0.089 −0.130 −0.159 −0.163* −0.262** −0.185**
Full-time employed (ref.)
 Part-time employed −0.024 −0.030 −0.206 −0.210* 0.172* 0.148
 Retired −0.125 −0.117 −0.020 −0.026 0.231* 0.231*
 Unemployed −0.322 −0.236 0.365 0.360 −0.206 −0.128
 Economically inactive 0.027 0.063 −0.338** −0.338** −0.166 −0.111
Health 0.016 0.024 −0.030 −0.026 0.098** 0.088**
Moral obligation −0.014 −0.039 0.081*** 0.085* 0.001 −0.025
Church frequency −0.094 −0.107* 0.109* 0.105 0.150** 0.128*
Variables used in stage 1 (help = yes) in Heckman models
Generalized trust 0.013 yes 0.009 yes 0.013 yes
Meeting family/friends: Less than monthly (ref.)
 At least monthly 0.177* yes −0.045 yes 0.080 yes
 At least weekly 0.118 yes 0.007 yes −0.008 yes
Not member in association: (ref.)
 One 0.119 yes 0.017 yes 0.172* yes
 Two −0.002 yes −0.108 yes 0.206* yes
Incidence rate −0.001 yes 0.000 yes −0.002 yes
Constant 0.750* 1.261** −1.251*** −1.228* −1.218*** −0.766
R-Squared 0.08 0.05 0.05
Rho −0.407 0.009 −0.436
N 2250 4521 2263 4521 2242 4521

Legend: Heckman Probit models. Different samples: only helpers (normal Probit) vs. all (including non-helpers; Heckman Probit). Bold coefficients indicate differences in significance resp. non-significance between levels. LR Test in all cases non-significant. Stage 1 not displayed for reasons of space.