Table 1.
Descriptive results of key explanatory variables.
Pre-COVID-19 (2019) |
Post-COVID-19 (2020) |
Male headed households | 0.82(0.37) | 0.81(0.36) |
Age of head (years) | 49.68(14.88) | 49.40(14.24) |
Education of head (years) | 8.21(5.89) | 8.81(5.93) |
Family size (number) | 6.33(3.84) | 5.89(3.32) |
Value of assets (PPP USD) | 1678.41(3370.92) | NA |
Urban households | 0.39(0.49) | NA |
Poor households (poorest asset tercile = 1) | 0.20(0.40) | NA |
Households living in North East Nigeria | 0.17(0.38) | NA |
Distance to main road (km) | 5.37(6.05) | NA |
Livelihood (income) sources during the last 12 monthsa | ||
Farming /agriculture | 0.77(0.42) | NA |
Non-farm business | 0.64(0.48) | NA |
Wage employment | 0.34(0.47) | NA |
Remittances and assistances | 0.26(0.44) | NA |
No. observations | 1,882 | 1,882 |
Notes: This table presents descriptive statistics associated with our final sample. Values out of parenthesis are means while values in parenthesis are standard deviations. NA stands for “Not Available”.
We note that households were asked to mention multiple sources of livelihood and hence choices are not mutually exclusive.
Source: Authors' calculations based on Nigeria LSMS-ISA 2019 and 2020 rounds. Sample weights have been applied.