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. 2021 May 21;61:101138. doi: 10.1016/j.jjie.2021.101138

Table 4.

Expected duration of the emergency declaration and COVID-19 by survey week.

(a) B-to-C service industries
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
Most-likely Shortest Longest Most-likely
expected duration of expected duration of expected duration of expected duration of
emergency declaration emergency declaration emergency declaration COVID-19 in Japan
Later group 5.34*** 0.34 11.29*** 0.12
(1.80) (1.17) (2.74) (0.38)
Later group × Suspension request 4.98 0.44 9.32 0.03
(3.45) (2.18) (5.97) (0.83)
Later group × No suspension request 5.40*** 0.54 11.78*** 0.14
(2.08) (1.36) (3.08) (0.43)
Suspension request 4.55 2.21 6.39 0.27
(2.77) (1.86) (4.63) (0.65)
Constant 47.43*** 48.34*** 26.83*** 27.27*** 87.34*** 88.62*** 10.03*** 10.08***
(1.28) (1.49) (0.88) (1.03) (1.87) (2.09) (0.26) (0.30)
Observations 3209 3209 3098 3098 3110 3110 3223 3223
(b) Other industries (B-to-B service and non-service industries)
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Most-likely Shortest Longest Most-likely
expected expected expected expected
duration duration duration duration
of emergency of emergency of emergency of COVID-19
declaration declaration declaration in Japan
Later group 4.42** 0.17 9.052*** 0.033
(1.89) (1.32) (3.037) (0.387)
Constant 47.82*** 27.73*** 90.659*** 9.752***
(1.34) (0.90) (2.116) (0.264)
Observations 2857 2755 2759 2872

Notes: This table displays the estimation results about the effects of new information on the expected duration of the emergency declaration. Panel (a) shows the results for firms in B-to-C service industries, and panel (b) for the rest of the firms. “Most-likely expected duration of emergency declaration” is the expected duration of the emergency declaration, defined by the number of days from May 8 until the most likely expected date when the emergency declaration is lifted in all prefectures. “Shortest expected duration of emergency declaration” (or “Longest expected duration of emergency declaration”) is defined in the same way as before based on the earliest (or latest) expected dates when the emergency declaration was lifted in all prefectures. “Most-likely duration of COVID-19 in Japan” is defined by the number of months from May 2020 until daily new infections become zero for the first time in Japan. “Later group” takes 1 if the firm was surveyed during May 15–17, and 0 if during May 8–9. “Suspension request” takes 1 if the suspension was requested of the firm’s industry in April or May, and 0 otherwise. “No suspension request” is defined by 1- “Suspension request.” The observations are weighted to match the number of firms in the Economic Census. Robust standard errors are in parentheses. *** for p<0.01, ** for p<0.05, and * for p<0.1.