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. 2021 Mar 31;93:103039. doi: 10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2021.103039

Table 2.

Estimation results of the models on mobility changes over time and the association between the changes and time-invariant covariates (Wave 1: March–June).

Model 1 Model 2 Model 3
Intercept 6.737***
Democrats −2.076***
% Below-Poverty 0.115***
Ln COVID-19 Severity 0.470***
Restriction Policy Level −0.085***
Ln Population Density −0.487***

Pre-knot slope −3.207***
Democrats 0.022
% Below-Poverty 0.037***
Ln COVID-19 Severity −0.299***
Restriction Policy Level −0.020***
Ln Population Density 0.230***

Post-knot slope 2.482***
Democrats −0.147*
% Below-Poverty −0.024*** (0.004)
Ln COVID-19 Severity 0.054*
Restriction Policy Level −0.002
Ln Population Density −0.309*** (0.019)

Model fit indices
AIC 55,168.08 42,171.04 40,722.09
BIC 55,189.88 42,243.68 40,903.70
-2LL 55,162.08 42,151.04 40,672.08

Notes: * denotes p < 0.05; *** denotes p < 0.001. Standard errors in parenthesis. Model 1: no-growth model; Model 2: nonlinear spline growth model; Model 3: nonlinear spline growth model with one-knot point and time-invariant covariates.