Fig. 11.
Boxplot dI values distribution at the last simulation step for Docc between 0.75 and 1.00, with respect to the mask filter classes defined in Section 2.3 for different initial infector % limits: a) up to 0.14%; b) up to 0.30%; c) up to 1.40%; d) up to 3.00%; e) up to 5.00%; f) over 5.00%. Mask filter classes are identified by: “no” for non-standard protection (0 to 0.25); “S” for surgical masks; “F” for FFPk masks. dI acceptable thresholds are defined at dI = 5% (dashed green line) and 25% (continuous red line). (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)