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. 2021 Jun 1;142(1):46–68. doi: 10.1016/j.jfineco.2021.05.052

Table 7.

The effects of Secondary Market Corporate Credit Facility and Primary Dealer Credit Facility on bond liquidity in the crisis period.

This table presents results from estimating Eq. (8), Eq. (9), and their variants. The dependent variable is Costj, the transaction cost for trade j, estimated using Eq. (1). Regulationt is a dummy that takes the value of one if the execution date (t) is March 20 or after.IGt takes the value of one if trade j occurred in a bond rated investment grade. PrimaryDealert takes the value of one if trade j was executed with a primary dealer. ShortTermt takes the value of one if trade j was in a bond with remaining maturity of five years or less. Log(Age) and Log(Time to Maturity) refer to the log of number of years since issuance and number of years to maturity, respectively. Credit rating fixed effects are based on each bond's composite rating. Trade size fixed effects are based on the four size categories (i.e., micro, odd lot, round lot, and block). Standard errors are clustered at bond and day levels.

Variable (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
IG*Regulation −5.181*** −2.44 13.089*** 6.261 0.779 0.112 10.642 6.074
(−2.70) (−1.26) (4.74) (1.35) (0.20) (0.04) (1.26) (0.85)
IG*Primary Dealer −9.289*** −12.918*** 7.498 −1.669
(−3.02) (−2.59) (1.11) (−0.49)
Primary Dealer*Regulation −1.741 9.956* 4.409 7.953
(−0.44) (1.72) (0.62) (1.27)
IG*Primary Dealer*Regulation −10.420** −5.44 −16.380* −13.315*
(−2.50) (−0.88) (−1.85) (−1.86)
Short Term −19.586 −57.533** −12.138
(−1.34) (−1.99) (−1.23)
Short Term*Regulation 7.348** 14.333 7.58
(2.05) (1.33) (0.83)
IG*Short Term 12.77 52.304* 16.387
(1.10) (1.66) (1.50)
IG*Short Term*Regulation −9.367** −21.234* −16.631*
(−2.45) (−1.80) (−1.67)
Log(Time to Maturity) −6.24 −3.895 51.374* −25.037 25.970*** −8.57
(−0.68) (−0.43) (1.79) (−1.45) (3.56) (−0.91)
Log(Age) 37.103*** 38.371*** 71.333*** 46.951 331.635*** 37.279*** 54.28 307.021***
(8.56) (8.84) (7.66) (1.37) (6.17) (8.35) (0.16) (3.62)
Bond fixed effects Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Credit rating fixed effects Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Dealer fixed effects Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Trade size fixed effects Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Day fixed effects Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Number of observations 178,581 178,581 62,299 20,565 54,014 178,581 13,598 33,113
R2 0.36 0.37 0.42 0.39 0.34 0.36 0.32 0.31