Table 1.
Estimates of problem list completion rates in the existing literature.
Study | Setting | Condition(s) studied | Method for comparison (‘gold standard’) | EHR system used | Percentage of diagnoses included in problem list |
Wang et al., 2020 [25] | 383,404 patients in Partners Healthcare System, USA | Asthma, Crohn’s disease, depression, diabetes, epilepsy, hypertension, schizophrenia, ulcerative colitis | Algorithm based on ICD-10 diagnoses and prescriptions | Epic | 72.9−93.5% (unweighted mean 85.5%) |
Wright et al., 2015 [26] | 160,341 patients in 10 healthcare organisations in USA, UK and Argentina | Diabetes | Haemoglobin A1c ⩾ 7.0% | Mixture of EHR Systems: Epic (n = 3), Allscripts (n = 2), EMIS (n = 1) and self-developed EHR systems (n = 5) | 60.2−99.4% (weighted mean 78.2%) |
Wright et al., 2011 [27] | 100,000 patients at a single hospital in USA | 17 medical conditions | Associations with medication and laboratory results | N/A | 4.7−76.2% (unweighted mean 51.7%) |
Polubriaginof et al., 2016 [15] | 1472 patients in a single hospital in USA | 59 medical conditions | Self-reported past medical history using a tablet questionnaire | N/A | 54.2% |
Hoffman et al., 2002 [28] | 148 patients attending a general medicine clinic at a university affiliated Veterans Affairs hospital | 9 diagnoses relevant to the choice of drug therapy for hypertension | Sensitivity and specificity of diagnoses recorded in the problem list of electronic records, with medical charts as the standard for comparison | VISTA (Veterans Health Information Systems and Technology Architecture) | 42–81% (unweighted mean 62.4%) |
Current study | 516 inpatients with COVID-19 in a London teaching hospital | Any medical condition relevant to ongoing care | Manual review of free text medical records | Epic | 62.3% |