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. 2021 Jun 11:101542. Online ahead of print. doi: 10.1016/j.leaqua.2021.101542

Table A2.

Event History Analysis of the Issuance of Stay-at-home Orders (Alternative Observation Window Start Date from Each State’s First Positive Case).

Variables (1) (2) (3) (4)
Population −0.234 0.140 −0.371 −0.017
(0.607) (0.759) (0.428) (0.972)
Urbanization −0.174 −0.131 −0.204 −0.185
(0.445) (0.584) (0.412) (0.451)
Population density 0.018 −0.120 0.147 −0.018
(0.973) (0.821) (0.790) (0.974)
Airport activity 0.720 0.678 0.784 0.783
(0.130) (0.168) (0.104) (0.117)
GSP −0.303 −0.467 −0.544 −0.695
(0.376) (0.191) (0.151) (0.091)
Income inequality 0.503 0.629 0.657 0.785
(0.135) (0.030) (0.039) (0.014)
No. of physicians 0.066 −0.061 0.105 0.005
(0.872) (0.883) (0.804) (0.991)
Hospital bed utilization 0.795 0.544 0.424 0.243
(0.136) (0.239) (0.430) (0.599)
Presidential swing state −1.334 −1.516 −1.617 −1.844
(0.014) (0.006) (0.005) (0.005)
Facing reelection −0.602 −0.887 −1.395 −1.609
(0.459) (0.275) (0.170) (0.093)
Term limits 0.890 1.440 1.223 1.679
(0.094) (0.035) (0.058) (0.032)
Went Republican −0.770 0.247 −0.593 0.362
(0.058) (0.583) (0.210) (0.462)
Female 0.070 0.151 0.060 0.129
(0.907) (0.780) (0.917) (0.801)
Governor age −0.235 −0.357 −0.482 −0.575
(0.289) (0.107) (0.053) (0.025)
Governing discretion −1.309 −3.902 −1.577 −3.982
(0.007) (0.003) (0.008) (0.005)
Governing demands −0.334 −0.236 −1.072 −0.976
(0.698) (0.757) (0.329) (0.331)
Democratic governor 1.405 −0.210 2.688 1.042
(0.017) (0.710) (0.001) (0.163)
Democratic governor × 3.765 3.557
Governing discretion (0.005) (0.010)
Democratic governor × 2.877 2.601
Governing demands (0.028) (0.038)
Constant −13.894 −15.375 −15.924 −17.331
(0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000)
Observations 960 960 960 960

Note: The models provide weighted estimates using inverse-probability weights. The models are specified with robust standard errors clustered by state. Exact p-values in parentheses.