Summary |
The experts were asked to share their opinions about opportunities and challenges relevant to the impacts of the COVID-19 outbreak on the dimensions of sustainability of shared mobility at travel behavior and urban infrastructure levels. |
As all items required prioritization and ranking in order of importance and impact a quantitative assessment was carried out. The importance and patterns of result distribution were statistically measured by using a five-point Likert scale. |
The third phase involved the modification and finalization of the rankings performed in the previous phases to considerably improve the quality of the responses. |
Outcomes |
By coding the responses, 36 independent constructs were elicited through the sub-questions, that were categorized within three dimensions of sustainability. |
Constructs whose mean group value was 4.5 or above were considered the most important items identified by the expert panel. |
Of the 18 participants, four slightly modified their scoring, whereas the rest verified their previous ratings. As a result, “A boom in online shopping” and “Handling crowds” were could not hold their ranks, but no new construct was added to the list. |