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. 2022 Dec 5;13:965548. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2022.965548

Table 1.

Mechanistic role of NAFLD-HBV interplay in chronic liver disease progression.

Mechanistic role/pathways Effects on HBV infection Chronic liver disease progression References
NAFLD ↑TLR4/MyD88 pathway leads to ↑TNF-α, IL-1, IL-6, IL-8, TGF-β→ ↑HSCs activation inhibition of HBV replication progression to liver fibrosis, NASH and HCC (24, 26, 28, 30, 3342)
↑TLRs in NASH stage leads to ↑CD8+ T cells and NKT cells ↑anti-viral immune responses, HBV clearance ↓chronic liver injury (1521)
↑Th17, IL-21
↑LPS/TLR4 and TLR2 signaling ↑immune responses, inflammation inflammation-fibrosis-carcinoma (IFC) sequence in viral hepatitis, steatosis, fibrosis-mediated portal hypertension (42)
metabolic stress, ↓PGC-1α ↑HBV suppressed immunity ↓HBV-related liver disease progression (4448)
inhibition of HBV replication
palmitic acid→ impaired DCs function ↓HBV specific immunocytes ↑severe HBV-related disease progression (4952)
abnormal/insufficient immune responses
Metabolic components ALT, FBS, TGL BMI and waist circumference ↑positive correlation with fibrosis/cirrhosis and hepatic steatosis in CHB patients (53)
CHRONIC HBV INFECTION Mechanistic role/pathways Effects on NAFLD Chronic liver disease progression References
HBV DNA transcription, TFs (FXR, RXR,C/EBP, CREB), interaction between TFs of activated immune cells hepatic metabolism of glucose, lipids, bile acid, and xenobiotics promotion of hepatic regeneration, inflammation, fibrosis, and neoplastic transformation (5462)
IL-13 leads to ↑TGF-β1, activation/proliferation of myofibroblasts, ↑JAK/STAT pathway→CCL11 production→eosinophil recruitment Hepatic steatosis and Fibrosis (6380)
G-CSF expression ↓hepatic lipogenic genes, ↑b-oxidative genes, ↓SREBP-1c
IL-4 activates macrophage, M2 → breakdown of ECM, ↑MMP-12
↑IL-6 by KCs ↑HSCs proliferation and survival
[HBx-HNF3b-C/EBPa-PPARa] activates FAB1 ↑fatty acid uptake Hepatic Steatosis (13, 8193)
HBx activates PPARs, PI3K/AKT pathway and LXR/SREBP pathway→activation of FAS, ACC, SREBP-1c, CYP7A1 inhibition of apolipoprotein B secretion, ↑hepatic lipogenesis, oxidative corvension of cholesterol to bile acids, hepatic lipid homeostasis
Hbx interacts with TNFR→activation of NF-κβ pathway
HBV pre-S1 binds to NCTP-impede bile acid uptake,↑ expression of cholesterol synthesis genes [3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A (HMG-CoA) reductase and LDL receptor] altered hepatic cholesterol metabolism