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. 2022 Dec 19;112(7):880–890. doi: 10.1007/s00392-022-02132-w

Table 1.

Biographical characteristics

2021 vs norm Congenital heart disease classification Longitudinal development
(n = 177)
Total 2021
(n = 204)
(n = ~)
p Mild Moderate/ severe p 2001 2011 2021 P$
Biographical status
Female 46.1% (94) 48.2% (68) 41.3% (23) 0.357
Age (years) 50.0 ± 5.1 50.8 ± 5.1 48.3 ± 4.8 0.001 30.4 ± 5.1 40.4 ± 5.2 50.0 ± 5.1
Systemic function < 0.001 0.061
Good 65.7% (117) 81.1% (103) 27.5% (14) 84.1% (132) 66.1% (82) 67.3% (105)
Reasonable 23.0% (41) 15.7% (20) 41.2% (21) 7.6% (12) 21.8% (27) 21.2% (33)
Moderate 9.6% (17) 3.1% (4) 25.5% (13) 6.4% (10) 10.5% (13) 9.6% (15)
Bad 1.7% (3) 5.9% (3) 1.9% (3) 1.6% (2) 1.9% (3)
Cardiac medications (total) 60.4% (113) 32.6% (43) 56.4% (31) 0.002 4.8% (7) 22.2% (39) 39.1% (63) < 0.001
Beta-blockers 12.7% (26) 10.6% (15) 17.5% (11) 0.177 1.1% (2) 4.0% (7) 11.9%(21) 0.002
Ca-antagonists 6.4% (13) 6.4% (9) 6.3% (4) 0.993 1.1% (2) 6.8% (12) 0.002
Oral anticoagulant 17.6% (36) 14.9% (21) 23.8% (15) 0.123 0.6% (1) 4.0% (7) 16.4% (29)  < 0.001
Cholesterol lowering 10.8% (22) 9.9% (14) 12.7% (8) 0.556 4.0% (7) 11.3% (20)  < 0.001
Anti-hypertensive 19.6% (40) 12.1% (17) 36.5% (23)  < 0.001 2.3% (4) 6.8% (12) 18.1% (32)  < 0.001
Anti-arrhythmia 7.8%(16) 2.1% (3) 20.6% (13)  < 0.001 1.1% (2) 2.8% (5) 8.5% (15) 0.031
Others 9.8% (20) 8.5% (12) 12.7% (8) 0.353 1.1% (2) 6.2% (11) 7.3% (13) 0.815
Heart related hospitalizations& 28.6% (58) 20.0% (28) 47.6% (30)  < 0.001 10.9% (19) 26.1% (31) 27.7% (49) 0.124
Diabetes 4.5% (8) 3.0% (4) 7.0% (4) 0.203
Smokers 12.3% (25) 21.1% 0.09 13.6% (19) 9.5% (6) 0.417 13.7% (24) 13.6% (24) 1.0
Hypercholesterolemia 8.4% (16) 7.4% (10) 10.7% (6) 0.654
CVA/TIA&& 4.9% (10) 4.3% (6) 6.5% (4) 0.515
Exercise capacity (%) 96.7 ± 23.0 99.9 ± 22.9 89.1 ± 21.4 0.003 93.4 ± 19.4 94.3 ± 18.2 98.4 ± 24.2 0.001
Living condition 0.817 0.257 0.057
With parents 1.5% (3) 1.0% 2.1% (3) 12.5% (22) 4.5% (8) 1.1% (2)
Independently 96.1% (196) 96.8% 95.7% (135) 96.8% (61) 86.9% (153) 95.5% (168) 97.2% (172)
Institution 1.0% (2) 1.2% 1.4% (2) 3.2% (2) 0.6% (1)
Other 1.5% (3) 1.0% 0.7% (1) 0.6% (1)
Marital status 0.245 0.235 0.105
No (stable) relationship* 28.4% (58) 29.2% 27.7% (39) 30.2% (19) 45.5% (80) 27.3% (48) 25.4% (45)
Married 58.3% (119) 56.1% 56.0% (79) 63.5% (40) 51.7% (91) 65.3% (115) 61.6% (109)
Divorced 11.3% (23) 13.8% 13.5% (19) 6.3% (4) 2.8% (5) 6.8% (12) 10.7% (19)
Widowed** 2.0% (4) 0.9% 2.8% (4) 0.6% (1) 2.3% (4)
Off-spring - 0.990 < 0.001
No 22.3% (45) 22.3% (31) 22.2% (14) 59.7% (105) 28.7% (50) 21.1% (37)
 ≥ 1 child 77.7% (157) 77.7% (108) 77.8% (49) 40.3% (71) 71.3%(124) 78.9% (138)
Daily activity^ < 0.001 0.426 0.012
Not working 10.6%(20) 3.1% 8.6% (12) 11.1% (7) 11.4% (20) 12.5% (22) 9.4% (19)
Working 89.4%(168) 96.9% 85.0% (119) 77.8% (49) 86.4% (152) 86.4% (152) 82.8% (168)
Unable to work 6.4% (9) 11.1% (7) 2.3% (4) 1.1% (2) 7.9% (16)
Educational level^^ < 0.001 0.963 0.368
Low 33.8% (69) 17.2% 33.3% (47) 34.9% (22) 39.0%(67) 33.1% (58) 34.5% (61)
Secondary 31.4% (64) 39.4% 31.9% (45) 30.2% (19) 37.8%(65) 32.6% (57) 31.1% (55)
High 34.8% (71) 43.3% 34.8% (49) 34.9% (22) 23.2% (40) 34.3% (60) 34.5% (61)

Normative data were derived from the Dutch Central Bureau of Statistics in 2021 and are based on the Dutch population aged 45–55 years old

CVA = cerebrovascular accident; TIA = transient ischemic attack

$p-value calculated on the differences between 2011 and 2021 on the 177 consecutive patients

&Reported heart-related hospitalizations in the last 10 years. It includes every hospitalization related to the heart problems such as for re-intervention, arrhythmias, coronary heart disease, endocarditis, pacemaker or ICD change, hypertension and heart failure

&& Since surgery until 2021

*All patients with or without a (stable) relationship (11.8%) or that are living together without marriage (16.8%)

**All patients that have been widowed, regardless of their current status

^The comparison with the norm data was done on the 188 patients able to work for conformity with the cbs data. "Not able to work" includes: disabled (n = 13), long-term sick leave (n = 1) and patient with work for mentally disabled (n = 2)

^^ Based on SOI (Standaard Onderwijsindeling (Standard Educational Divisions)) 2021 classification