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. 2022 Dec 2;13:958453. doi: 10.3389/fphar.2022.958453


Traditional uses of A. laxiflora in different African countries.

Country Region/community Plant part/preparations Traditional uses References
Nigeria Nigeria (general) Leaves, stem, root Malaria, anemia, emmenagogue, ringworm, venereal disease, typhoid fever, antioxidant Ogundipe et al., 2001b; Farombi et al., 2003; Adeloye et al., 2005; Odugbemi and Akinsulire, 2008; Kaur et al., 2012
Leaves decoction Inflammatory and infectious diseases, administered to children with teething problems
Stem branches Chewing stick (local toothbrush) for cleaning teeth, sexually transmitted diseases
Leaves Antioxidant (preservation of kola nut and other perishable fruits and vegetables)
Yoruba tribe, southwest Nigeria Leaves Poliomyelitis, measles Oladunmoye and Kehinde (2011)
Southern Nigeria Leave concoction Uterine contraction/preterm labor prevention, sickle cell disorder Amujoyegbe et al., 2016; Bafor et al., 2018
Oyo state, Nigeria Leaves squeezed in water Sickle cell disease treatment Gbadamosi (2015)
Ekiti state, southwest Nigeria Leaves Menstrual disorder treatment (dysmenorrhea, oligomenorrhea, menorrhagia, amenorrhea) Olanipekun and Aladetimiro (2017)
Root decoction Reduces incidences of heart failure, lowers blood pressure Adeniran (2015)
Whole plant, leaves, root, bark Malaria, pile, dysentery, eczema, cough, and high fever Jayeoba et al. (2012)
Oyo state, Nigeria Leaves Systemic and nervous system infections Borokini et al. (2013)
Akwa Ibom state, Nigeria Leaves crushed in water, applied externally Skin diseases Ajibesin et al. (2007)
Oka Akoko, Ondo states, Nigeria Leaves Venereal diseases, promoting fertility Olanipekun et al. (2016)
Ondo state, Nigeria Leaves infusion Malaria treatment Oyeyemi et al. (2019)
Ogun and Osun states, Nigeria Root and fruits Fibroid treatment Adebisi (2019)
Badagry people of Lagos State Leaves decoction Diabetes Makinde et al. (2015)
Oyo, Ogun, and Osun states Bark and fruits Infertility in females Soladoye et al. (2014)
Imo state Leaves For wrapping Ugba (fermented African oil bean seeds) Kabuo et al. (2013)
South Africa Leaves, stem, branchlets Infectious diseases, anti-tumor, inflammation, teething problems, chewing sticks Dzoyem and Eloff (2015)
Ghana Stem, branches Treating toothaches Obodai and Nsor (2009)
Cameroon Bamun folk Leaves Urinary tract infections, hepatitis, pains, epilepsy, anxiety, insomnia, dizziness, headaches, and migraine Njayou et al., 2008; Bum et al., 2009; Njamen et al., 2013; Fongod et al., 2014
South and southwest region Whole plant Rural architecture, used to construct life fence
Ndop Central Sub-division Leaves infusion Postpartum pain
Bafia (Central Cameroon), Bazou and Foumbot (West Cameroon) Leaves decoction Stomachache, dysentery, jaundice, anxiety, depression Ngnameko et al. (2019)
DR Congo and South Africa Snakebite treatment Molander et al. (2014)