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. 2022 Dec 19;14:190. doi: 10.1186/s13195-022-01139-9

Table 3.

Multivariate analysis of covariance (MANCOVA) with the twelve Neuropsychiatric Inventory severity subscores as dependent variables and with CSF cortisol, CSF DHEAS, Alzheimer’s disease CSF pathology, APOE status, sex, and age as independent variables

Effect Pillai’s trace F Error df Sig. Partial eta squared
Intercept .078 .481b 68.000 .919 .078
CSF cortisol .257 1.962b 68.000 .042 .257
DHEAS .111 .705b 68.000 .741 .111
Age .081 .501b 68.000 .907 .081
Sex .284 2.249b 68.000 .018 .284
AD pathology status .342 2.951b 68.000 .002 .342
APOEε4 status .219 1.588b 68.000 .116 .219
Sex * CSF AD pathology .233 1.723b 68.000 .081 .233
Sex * APOEε4 status .229 1.682b 68.000 .090 .229
CSF AD pathology * APOEε4 status .219 1.585b 68.000 .117 .219
Sex * CSF AD pathology * APOEε4 status .196 1.377b 68.000 .198 .196
Tests of between-subject effects
Variable Dependent variable Type III sum of squares Mean square F Sig. Partial eta squared
CSF cortisol Delusions .027 .027 .235 .630 .003
Hallucinations .037 .037 .795 .375 .010
Agitation/aggression .092 .092 .202 .654 .003
Depression/dysphoria 5.691 5.691 9.093 .003 .103
Anxiety 8.783 8.783 12.210 .001 .134
Elation/euphoria .054 .054 .600 .441 .008
Apathy/indifference 9.300 9.300 12.731 .001 .139
Disinhibition .087 .087 .594 .443 .007
Irritability/lability 1.599 1.599 3.105 .082 .038
Motor disturbance .213 .213 1.257 .266 .016
Nightime behaviors .871 .871 2.363 .128 .029
Appetite/eating .739 .739 1.830 .180 .023
AD pathology Delusions .315 .315 2.698 .104 .033
Hallucinations .049 .049 1.050 .309 .013
Agitation/aggression 2.085 2.085 4.586 .035 .055
Depression/dysphoria .809 .809 1.293 .259 .016
Anxiety 2.297 2.297 3.194 .078 .039
Elation/euphoria .039 .039 .430 .514 .005
Apathy/indifference 4.911 4.911 6.722 .011 .078
Disinhibition .336 .336 2.283 .135 .028
Irritability/lability 1.426 1.426 2.769 .100 .034
Motor disturbance .910 .910 5.366 .023 .064
Nighttime behaviors .014 .014 .038 .846 .000
Appetite/eating .002 .002 .005 .945 .000

AD Alzheimer’s disease, APOE the apolipoprotein E, CSF cerebrospinal fluid, DHEAS dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate