Fig. 1.
Diagnosis-dependent relationships between brainstem white matter microstructure and total sensory features. Brainstem white matter tracts that exhibit total sensory feature-by-diagnosis interaction effects for the free-water-elimination mean diffusivity (FWE-MD). Analyses account for age, sex, and average head motion and apply an FDR correction for multiple comparisons. Correlations within the autistic (red circles) and non-autistic (blue triangles) groups are shown in the A corticospinal tract (CST), B medial lemniscus (ML), C lateral lemniscus (LL), D parieto-occipito-temporo-pontine tract (POTPT), E superior cerebellar peduncle cerebellothalamic tract (SCPCT), F spinothalamic tract (STT), G inferior cerebellar peduncle vestibulocerebellar tract (ICPVC), H inferior cerebellar peduncle medulla-cerebellar tract (ICPMC), and I middle cerebellar peduncle (MCP)