Fig. 2.
Correlations between hyporesponsiveness and brainstem white matter microstructure in autistic children. Brainstem white matter tracts showed significant relationships between hyporesponsiveness and microstructural properties after accounting for age, sex, and average head motion and applying an FDR correction for multiple comparisons. Significant correlations were found with free-water-elimination mean diffusivity (FWE-MD) in the A medial lemniscus (ML), B lateral lemniscus (LL), C parieto-occipito-temporo-pontine tract (POTPT), D spinothalamic tract (STT), E superior cerebellar peduncle cerebellothalamic tract (SCPCT), F superior cerebellar peduncle spinocerebellar tract (SCPSC), G inferior cerebellar peduncle medulla-cerebellar tract (ICPMC), H inferior cerebellar peduncle vestibulocerebellar tract (ICPVC), I middle cerebellar peduncle (MCP), and J FWE-FA in the MCP