Composition of the bacterial community at the genus taxonomic level (A): Heatmap showing the relative abundance of classified bacterial genera that were greater in the rhizosphere soil than in the bulk soil. In addition, the histogram shows the sum of the relative abundances of these genera in a sample. Classified fungal genera with relative abundance >0.5% (B) and trophic mode predicted using FUNGuild; P, pathotroph; Sa, saprotroph; Sy, symbiotroph. Correlation pattern of the bacterial genera and fungal genera (C). Positive correlations (red squares) and negative correlations (blue squares) are displayed (p < 0.05). C: continuous maize cropping without straw retention; CS: continuous maize cropping with straw mulching; R: maize-peanut rotation without straw retention; RS: maize-peanut rotation with straw mulching; V10: the 10th leaf stage; VT: tassel stage; R4: dough stage.