Figure 3.
t-distributed stochastic neighbor embedding (t-SNE)10 with downsampled pixel features. This is a composite image with 4 colors representing 4 populations of cells: light pink, maroon, teal, and blue. Light pink represents GEP class 1 samples that are correctly predicted as GEP class 1. Maroon represents GEP class 2 samples that are incorrectly predicted as GEP class 1. Teal represents GEP class 2 samples that are correctly predicted as GEP class 2. Blue represents GEP class 1 samples that are incorrectly predicted as GEP class 2. Note that the samples predicted to be GEP class 1 (light pink/maroon) typically contain less-aggressive–appearing UM cells, whereas samples predicted to be GEP class 2 (teal/blue) typically contain more-aggressive–appearing UM cells. GEP = gene expression profile; UM = uveal melanoma.