Figure 2.
In vitro kinetics of bacteria and phages. (a) Uninfected bacteria (solid line) show expected growth kinetics in the absence of phage infection, achieving stationary phase within 20 hours. Whereas, incubation with either phage Achr-1 or Achr-2 (dashed and dotted lines) negatively impacted growth of host bacteria within 10 hours, followed by host recovery due to growth of phage-resistant mutant cells. (b) Populations of both phage Achr-1 (filled circles, dashed line) and phage Achr-2 (open circles, dotted line) show expected kinetics of lytic phage growth on host bacteria in one-step burst assays. Standard deviation of technical duplicates represented by error bars. (c) Attachment of phages Achr-1 (filled circles, dashed line) and Achr-2 (open circles, dotted line) are similar preceding growth of the virus population on hosts cells (Supplemental Figure S1), as both viruses irreversibly bind to susceptible host cells by 40 min and 50 min, respectively. Standard deviation of technical duplicates represented by error bars.