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. 2022 Oct 27;13(6):e02540-22. doi: 10.1128/mbio.02540-22


Amino acid/nonsynonymous mutations associated with at least one chain of respiratory droplet transmission

Nucleotide frequencyd
Trio 1
Trio 2
Trio 3
Trio 4
Trio 5
Trio 6
Virus straina Protein Nucleotide changeb Amino acid change relative to inoculumc Virus inoculum DI RC1 RC2 DI RC1 RC2 DI RC1 RC2 DI RC1 RC2 DI RC1 RC2 DI RC1 RC2
A/California/07/2009 (H1N1) PB2 C251A A84D 66 83
PB2 G550A A184T 7 21 33
PB2 A1684T I562F 24 39
HA A716G D239 [222] (225)G 86 91 99 96 91 94 95 93 97 97 93 97 99 94 98 98
HA G719A R240 [223] (226)Q 93 95 100 100 94 100 100 97 100 100 97 100 100 98 100 100
NP G302A G101D 29 7 13 40 27 51 63 13 20 25
NP G1123A D375N 6 36 13 48 57 5 12
A/Anhui/1/2013 (H7N9) PB2 A2132G N711S 15 100 99
PB2 G2141A S714N 13 99 98
PB1 C413T P138L 91 100
PA A1226G N409S 8 7 8 10 100 100 12 8
HA A421G N141 [123] (133)D 47 43 52 55 42 98 99 50 100 100 47 5
HA G499A D167 [149] (158)N 32 37 41 29 38 28 30 95
HA T704A L235 [217] (226)Q 21 32 26 27 99 99 24 100 99 10
NA C29T T10I 99 100
NA A1379G K460R 99 100
A/Texas/50/2012 (H3N2)e HA T725A I242 (226)N 38 53 36 99 9 n/p n/p n/p
NS A796C S266R 6 92 100 8 6 12 n/p n/p n/p
A/harbor seal/New Hampshire/179629/2011 (H3N8) HA G433A G145 (129)R 100 100
HA G460A A154 (138)T 99 77 53
HA G668A R223 (207)K 29 15 13 9 4 98 98 11 99 11
NA C352T P118S 38 37 32 83 35 100 99 47 34 29 86 99
NA G1180A V394I 35 41 47 16 94 40 42 100 100 33 100 47 10

Each group consists of 1 directly inoculated (DI) ferret and 1 or 2 respiratory contact (RC) ferrets if onward transmission occurred. The first respiratory contact is RC1. If this animal became infected, it was housed with a second respiratory contact designated RC2.


Nucleotide numbering is from the start codon of each gene.


For HA, amino acid numbering in square brackets is numbering with signal peptide removed (i.e., H1 numbering or H7 numbering); parentheses indicate H3 numbering without signal peptide.


Gray shading indicates that transmission did not occur, and underlining indicates that the mutation was associated with transmission in one or more trios of ferrets.


For A/Texas/50/2012 (H3N2), trio 6 was removed (see Results, discussion of Fig. 4); thus, a deep-sequencing analysis was not performed (n/p).