Changes in activation-induced marker (AIM) expression in CD4+ T cells and memory AIM+ CD4+ T cells specific for SARS-CoV-2 after two doses of CoronaVac in children and adolescents. AIM+ CD4+ T cells were quantified in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) from participants that received two doses of CoronaVac by flow cytometry upon stimulation with megapools (MPs) of peptides derived from SARS-CoV-2 proteins. The percentages of activated AIM+ CD4+ T cells (OX40+, CD137+) were determined upon stimulation for 24 h with MPs S, R, M, and N in baseline samples and with samples obtained 4 weeks after the second dose. Data from flow cytometry were normalized against dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO). Percentages of AIM+ CD4+ T cells against MPs S, R, M, and N were obtained from a total of 51 participants in the 3- to 11-year age group and 38 participants in the 12- to 17-year age group (A). Memory AIM+ CD4+ T cells were quantified in PBMCs from participants that received two doses of CoronaVac upon stimulation with MPs of peptides derived from SARS-CoV-2 proteins. The percentages of memory-activated AIM+ CD4+ T cells (OX40+, CD137+, CD45RA−, CCR7+/−) were determined upon stimulation for 24 h with MPs S, R, M, and N in samples obtained at baseline and 4 weeks after the second dose. Data from flow cytometry were normalized against DMSO. Memory AIM+ CD4+ T cells against the MPs S, R, M, and N were obtained from a total of 51 participants in the 3- to 11-year age group and 38 participants in the 12- to 17-year age group (B). The numbers above each individual point data set represent the mean, and the error bars are the 95% CI. A two-way ANOVA followed by Šídák's multiple-comparison test was used to assess differences in panels A and B. *, P < 0.05; **, P < 0.01; ***, P < 0.001; n.s., nonsignificant.