Figure 4. Mass spectrometry analysis of proteins modulated by EROS in immune cells identified the P2X7 purinergic receptor.
(A) Cartoon representation of the AlphaFold structure prediction of the top ranked model. The structure is coloured according to the model quality with dark blue representing residues with a predicted local Distance Difference Test (plDDT) score > 90, light blue plDDT > 70, yellow plDDT > 50, and red plDDT ≤ 50. (B–D) Volcano plot of proteins detected by Tandem Mass Tagging proteomics analysis of bone marrow-derived macrophages: BMDM (B) and CD4+ T lymphocytes (C) isolated from control and EROS knockout (KO) mice. (D) Volcano plot of proteins recovered by Plasma Membrane Profiling of macrophages isolated from control and EROS KO mice. The volcano plots display statistical significance (-log10 p-value) versus the log2 fold change from five biological replicates.