Extended Data Fig. 7. Extended RNAscope analysis.
a–c) RNAscope on sections adjacent to Fig. 7a. Alongside are images where cells have been segmented and receptor/ligand stains quantified. Receptor mRNA is tagged red and ligand mRNA is teal. In processed images, ligand-expressing cells are yellow, receptor-positive cells are cyan, double-positive cells are purple, and double-negative cells are red. a) RNA-scope analysis of PTN/PTPRZ1. Double-positive cells are enriched in the cellular tumor, for example region a), PTN-expressing non-malignant cells are more frequent in tumor-adjacent tissue, that is b, c), and this gradient anticorrelates with PTPRZ1-expressing neoplastic cells. b) Gradients of WNT3A and LRP6 expression indicate the presence of both paracrine and autocrine signaling. c) Breakouts of sub-panels x-z) from panel B). d) A breakout of an interface between tumor and non-malignant tissue.