Figure 7.
Expression of Brn3a in visceral pain-responsive spino-solitary projection neurons. (A) Spino-solitary supraspinal projection neurons were labeled by injection of cholera toxin B (CTB) into the nucleus of the solitary tract (NTS) in DSS-treated mice. Immunostaining of CTB together with c-fos and Brn3a was performed on transverse sections of the lumbosacral spinal cord of the mice. (B) A low magnification image of CTB immunostaining (magenta) on the representative section is shown. White dotted lines indicate the outline of the spinal cord and the boundary between white and gray matters. (C–F) High magnification views (marked in B) of CTB (C and F, magenta), c-fos (D and F, green), and Brn3a (E and F, blue) immunostaining are shown. Closed arrowheads indicate CTB-, c-fos- and Brn3a-triple-positive cells. Scale, 50 µm.