Table 1.
Selected free text responses from websites and open responses
Source | Comment |
4Chan | It’s really about the shapeshifting lizards, isn’t it |
4Chan | You might want to post this on reddit for a more realistic sample, you are going to get a LOT of antivaxx schizos posting here |
4Chan | I’d only know if I got a plane and chased the sun, anything else is something somebody told me. Agnostic earthers rise! |
This is hilarious. Why did you ask about flat earth | |
ForoCoches | This survey gives cancer* |
ForoCoches | Well, according to many “experts,” EVERYTHING causes cancer. We can't even breathe* |
ForoCoches | Being born between June 21 - July 22. If not, you are from another (horoscope) sign. I hope I helped you* |
Survey (open question) | Stupid questions. no one can prove the earth is round or flat and or that lizard people do or do not exist. anyone who says it’s definitely either way is stupid |
Survey (open question) | I am a reptilian experiencer. I believe in reptilians because I have seen them, not because I heard somebody else believes in them |
Survey (open question) | Everyone knows that the Bellatricians died out eons ago, and Pleiadians are those among us, and they are much more dangerous* |
Survey (open question) | I believe in lots of reptilians and them being capable of appearing human, but I don’t think they are many presidents. They are in other positions |
Translated from Spanish.