Extended Data Fig. 5. Fear conditioning with additional trials yielded a negative dopamine response to the fear cues.
(a) Averaged dopamine signal to fear cues during the first two versus last two CS+ trials in a separate group of C57BL6/J mice (n=4). (b) Dopamine response to the CS+ (area under the curve, AUC) following 6 trials of the latent inhibition experiment compared to the dopamine response to the CS+ in an additional group with extensive fear conditioning trials did not differ for the first 6 trials (RM ANOVA Group × Trial interaction F(2, 14)= 0.52 p=0.60; main effect of Group F(1, 7)= 0.12 p=0.20) before becoming a negative response after the 9th trial. Data represented as mean ± S.E.M. ns = not significant.