Extended Data Fig. 8. Optogenetic stimulation, but not inhibition, of dopaminergic terminals during inter-trial interval abolishes latent inhibition.
(a) Mice (n=12; 5 males, 7 females) underwent four sessions of pre-exposure where they received unpaired stimulations (ChR2) or inhibitions (NpHR) during inter-trial interval windows. (b) Unpaired stimulation of the NAc core dopamine response abolished latent inhibition (2-way ANOVA cue × group interaction F(1,10)=4.078 p = 0.071; Bonferroni multiple comparisons: ChR2 pre-exposed vs. non-pre-exposed p=0.973; NpHR pre-exposed vs. non-pre-exposed p = 0.023) while inhibition of the terminals resulted in a latent inhibition effect. Data represented as mean ± S.E.M., * p<0.05, ns = not significant.