FIG 1.
CzcR negatively regulates PYO biosynthesis and positively regulates swimming motility in the presence of Zn2+ stress. (A) Liquid culture of the strains of PAO1 WT, ΔczcR, and ΔczcR with complemented expression of czcR (ΔczcR[czcR]) when they were grown without the supplementation of Zn2+. (B) Quantification of PYO production at different time points during growth without the supplementation of Zn2+ in PAO1 WT, ΔczcR, and ΔczcR(czcR) strains. (C) Liquid culture of the PAO1 WT, ΔczcR, and ΔczcR(czcR) strains grown with the supplementation of 0.5 mM Zn2+. (D) Quantification of PYO production at different time points during growth with the supplementation of 0.5 mM Zn2+ in PAO1 WT, ΔczcR, and ΔczcR(czcR) strains. (E) Examination of swimming motility of the PAO1 WT, ΔczcR, and ΔczcR(czcR) strains on the plates without the supplementation of Zn2+. (F) Diameters of the swimming zone of the PAO1 WT, ΔczcR, and ΔczcR(czcR) strains grown without the supplementation of Zn2+. (G) Examination of swimming motility of the PAO1 WT, ΔczcR, and ΔczcR(czcR) strains on the plates with the supplementation of 0.5 mM Zn2+. (H) Diameters of the swimming zone of the PAO1 WT, ΔczcR, and ΔczcR(czcR) strains grown with the supplementation of 0.5 mM Zn2+. N.D., not detected.