Candida osteomyelitis/discitis with psoas abscess. A 62-year-old male with diffuse large B cell lymphoma (stage 4) and decompensated cirrhosis developed Candida albicans fungemia and chorioretinitis after the first cycle of chemotherapy and was treated with fluconazole, micafungin, and intravitreal antifungals. After 2 additional cycles of chemotherapy, he developed worsening back pain, tenderness at the lumbar spine, and limited mobility. MRI showed L3-L4 osteomyelitis/discitis with psoas abscess (left, T1-weighted scan; right, T2-weighted scan). Cultures of specimens from CT-guided biopsy of the vertebral body and soft tissue specimens grew C. albicans, and histology showed yeast. TSE, turbo spin echo.