Fig. 1. SANS results of synthesized pure D-Rec1.
(A) SANS intensity profile of D-Rec1 at 3.0 wt % and (B) concentration normalized zero scattering intensity as a function of D2O%. (C) Corresponding Kratky plot. (D) Model fits to SANS data presented with intensity offset for clarity. (E) Intrinsic disorder profile of Rec1-resilin generated by a database of disordered protein predictions (D2P2) platform. The nine color bars at the top represent disordered regions in Rec1-resilin sequence predicted by different disorder predictors (Espritz, IUPred, etc.). The green bar at the bottom represents predicted disorder region agreement between the nine predictors. The yellow bar at the bottom corresponds to disorder-based binding sites known as molecular recognition features (MoRFs).