Figure 9. Relationship between individual simultaneously recorded eyelid molecular layer interneurons (MLIs) and eyelid Purkinje cells (PCs) during expression of conditioned eyelid responses.
(a and b) Peri-stimulus time histograms (10 ms bins) and raster plots sorted by eyelid conditioned response (CR) latency (red points) of the simultaneously recorded activity of eyelid PCs and MLIs. The dark gray bars and shaded areas indicate the duration of the tone stimulus (conditioned stimulus [CS]) and the black bars indicate the duration of the eyelid stimulation (unconditioned stimulus [US]). (c) Normalized instantaneous firing rate for the examples in a and b. For all three examples, the activity of the eyelid PC decreases before the simultaneously recorded activity of the eyelid PC-MLI increases, as well as prior to the time of onset of the conditioned response. The gray shaded region indicates the interstimulus interval (ISI) for each pair.