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. 2022 Dec 19;4(12):1812–1829. doi: 10.1038/s42255-022-00681-y

Extended Data Fig. 6. Quantification of AS of direct RBFOX2 targets in mice fed a CD, a HFD or a HFr diet.

Extended Data Fig. 6

A.- Quantification of percentage splice in (PSI) for Pla2g6 (exon 10), (B.-) Scarb1 (exon 12), (C.-) Numb (exon 3), (D.-) Numb (exon 9), (E.-) Sec31a (exon 23) and (F.-) Osbpl9 (exon 6) in LWT and LΔRbfox2 mice fed a CD, a HFD or a HFr diet (n = 7-10). G.- Representative western-blot showing RBFOX2 expression levels in the liver of mice after transduction with pAd-RBFOX2 or pAd-GFP control (left) and quantification by PCR/capillary electrophoresis of percentage splice in (PSI) for Scarb1 (exon 12) (right) (n = 7-9). H.-ChIP-seq signal for FOXA1 in mouse Rbfox2 promoter in liver. I.- Volcano-plot showing LC-MS lipidomic analysis of LΔRbfox2 vs LWT hepatocytes normalised to internal standard and total cell counts (n = 5-6). J.- PCA plot of LΔRbfox2 vs. LWT hepatocytes and relevant SSO treatment as determined by LC-MS lipidomic analysis. Results are represented as mean ± s.e.m. Statistical significance was determined by two-way ANOVA with Tukey’s multiple comparisons test (A-F) or two-tailed unpaired t-test (G) of biologically independent samples.

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