Loss of oligodendrocyte ErbB signaling leads to reduced number of A1 PV+ axons associated with MBP staining, reduced intensity of PV axonal immunostaining, and the area of PV+ axons. The intensity and area of PV+ axons correlate with the intensity and area of their associated MBP immunostaining. (a) Representative photomicrographs of A1 sections from WT and CNP‐DN‐ErbB4 mice showing PV+ (green) and MBP+ (magenta) immunostaining. Scale bar: 20 μm. (b) Representative photomicrographs of 2× zoom images from the 63× images shown in panel. (c) Density of PV‐MBP double‐labeled axons is reduced in A1 of CNP‐DN‐ErbB4 mice (n = 6–7; p = .0012). (d) A1 axonal PV fluorescence intensity correlates with MBP fluorescence intensity (WT: black dots, CNP‐DN‐erbB4: red dots; Pearson's correlation r = 0.6021; p < .0001). (e) A1 axonal PV area correlates with MBP area (WT: black dots, CNP‐DN‐erbB4: red dots; Pearson's correlation r = 0.6373; p < .0001). Mann–Whitney test was performed. Data are expressed as mean ± SEM.