Glutamatergic BF neurons robustly innervate the LHb and are functionally connected to glutamatergic LHb neurons. (a) Experimental setup for anterograde tracing from vGlut2BF cells. (b) Representative viral targeting of Cre-dependent Synaptophysin::mRuby2 to the basal forebrain (BF, Bregma 0.62). Scale bar = 300 μm. (c) Quantification of different brain regions receiving glutamatergic BF input. Quantification calculated as the density of Syn::mRuby2+ terminals/volume of the ROI. PC, piriform cortex; LHb, lateral habenula; LHA, lateral hypothalamic area; VMH, ventromedial hypothalamus; DMH, dorsomedial hypothalamus; VTA, ventral tegmental area; PAG, periaqueductal gray; PMN, premammillary nucleus; IPR, interpeduncular nucleus. (d) Synaptophysin::mRuby2 projection terminals in the lateral habenula (LHb) (Bregma − 1.82). ii) Zoomed-in inset. MHb, medial habenula. (e) Experimental setup of channelrhodopsin-assisted circuit mapping experiment, stimulating vGlut2+ BF terminals while recording from mRuby+/vGlut2+ cells in the LHb. (f) ChR2-EYFP fibers from the vGlut2BF neurons terminating in the LHb. mRuby+ vGlut2LHb cells in the LHb overlap with ChR2-expressing BF projections. (g) Representative ex vivo electrophysiological trace from mRuby+ cell in the LHb. CSF, cerebral spinal fluid (control). TTX (1 μM), 4-AP (0.5 μM), and CNQX/AP5 (10 μM/ 50 μM) added sequentially. (h) Current measurements (pA) of mRuby+ LHb cells after optogenetic stimulation of BF terminals in (1) aCSF (− 320.20 ± 71.30 pA), (2) + TTX (− 44.20 ± 19.20 pA), (3) + 4AP (− 243.10 ± 47.08 pA) and (4) + CNQX/AP5 (− 20.43 ± 4.64 pA). Error bars represent SEM. Statistically compared using a One-Way ANOVA comparing all groups to the aCSF control group. aCSF vs. TTX: p = 0.0010, aCSF vs. + 4AP: p = 0.5496, aCSF vs. + CNQX/AP5: p = 0.0013. n = 12 for aCSF, n = 10 for TTX, n = 11 for 4AP, and n = 7 for CNQX/AP5. (i) Average amplitude of mRuby+ LHb cells in aCSF and with the addition of both TTX and 4AP. Error bars represent SEM. n = 12 and 11, respectively. aCSF = − 320.20 ± 71.30 pA, + TTX/4AP = − 243.10 ± 47.08 pA. Statistically compared using an unpaired t-test, p = 0.3859. (j) Average latency to 10% of the max current of mRuby+ LHb cells upon photostimulation of BF terminals (5.940 ± 0.04 ms). Error bars represent SEM. n = 15.