Fig. 4.
Cell subclusters in vascular endothelial and mural cells. A UMAP plot to visualize three endothelial subclusters (EC1, EC2, and EC3). B UMAP plots to show the highly expressed marker genes of three endothelial subclusters. C Heatmap plot to show the average expression levels of the DEGs in the three endothelial subclusters. The descriptions right to the heatmap are the top KEGG enriched pathways (adjust p value < 0.05). D UMAP plot to visualize the four mural subclusters (MC1, MC2, MC3, and MC4). E UMAP plots to show the highly expressed marker genes of four mural subclusters. F Heatmap plot to show the average expression levels of the DEGs in the four mural subclusters. The descriptions right to the heatmap are the top KEGG enriched pathways (adjust p value < 0.05)