Fig. 2.
Clinical presentation and outcome. a Symptoms and signs of EOD and LOD cases, b Chest X-ray findings of EOD and LOD cases. P-values from “Fisher’s exact test” are as follows: “normal findings”: p = 0.0043; “interstitial diffuse thickening”: p = 0.0364; all other differences are not statistically significant. c Potential predictive factors for adverse outcomes in EOD cases. Statistical significance by “Fisher’s exact test” is reached for “cardiocirculatory symptoms” (p = 0.0055) and “preterm” (p = 0.0056). d Potential predictive factors for adverse outcomes in LOD cases. Statistical significance by “Fisher’s exact test” is reached for “Meningitis” (p = 0.0300). Meningitis is based on the clinical diagnosis, not the positive CSF culture. e Selected symptoms of preterm versus term EOD cases. P-values from “Fisher’s exact test” are as follows: “apnea”: p = 0.0026; “cardiocirculatory symptoms”: p = 0.0434. The other comparisons are not statistically significant. f Serum C-reactive protein levels at disease onset and maximal levels of EOD and LOD cases. The red lines indicate median values, the dashed red lines the IQRs. The black dotted line indicates a level of 10 mg/l, the threshold for this study. Differences between EOD and LOD are not significant (unpaired student’s t-test). g outcome of EOD and LOD cases. GBS Group B streptococcus, EOD Early-onset disease, LOD Late-onset disease, GI Gastrointestinal, HSM Hepatosplenomegaly, CC17 Clonal complex 17