Table 5.
Liver resection for colorectal liver metastases (CRLM).
Reference (author, year) | Country | Study period | Comparator | Parameter | N° patients | Neoadjuvant treatment, n (%) | Adjuvant treatment, n (%) | Major resections (>3 segments), n (%) | Morbidity, n (%) | Liver surgery specific morbidity, n (%) | Liver Failure (ISGLS), n (%) | Major morbidity, n (%) | Mortality, n (%) | DFS/RFS (months), median (range) or (%) | OS (months), median (range) or (%) |
Peng (2011) | USA | 2000-2009 | Sarcopenia, Sarcopenic obesity | TPA | 259. S/NS: 41/218 | NA | NA | 121 (47). S: 19 (46.3); NS: 102 (46.8); (p=0.99) | 60 (23) | 16 (6) | 4 (1.5) | 26 (10). S/NS: (22)/(8); (p=0.008). SO/NS: (40)/(8); (p=0.02) | 2 (0.8). S: 1 (0.4) | 5-y RFS S/NS: 23/27 (p=0.78) | S/NS: (p=0.80). SO/others: 30/46 (p=0.05) |
Van Vledder (2012) | Netherlands | 2001-2009 | Sarcopenia, central obesity | SMM, intra-abdominal fat | 196. S/NS: 38/158 | 91 (86); S: 18 (47); NS: 73 (46.2); (p= 1.000) | 0 (institution policy) | 63 (32.1) | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | ↓RFS S/NS: 8.7/15.1 (p=0.002). 1-/3-/5-y ↓RFS S vs. NS: 31/20/15 vs. 54.0/36.3/28.5 (p=0.002) | ↓OS in S/NS: 23.8/59.8 (p=0.001). 1-/3-/5-y ↓OS in S vs. NS: 84/34/20 vs. 96.2/64.6/49.9 (p< 0.001) |
Lodewick (2014) | Netherlands/Germany/UK | 2005-2012 | Sarcopenia, obesity, sarcopenic obesity | L3 MI, BMI | 171. S/NS: 80/91. O/NO: 69/102. SO/NSO: 49/102 | NA | NA | S/NS: 33 (41.3)/28 (30.8); (p=0.153). O/NO: 27 (39.1)/34 (33.3); (ns). SO/NSO: 16 (32.7)/45 (36.9); (ns) | S/NS: 33 (41.3)/45 (49.5); (ns). O/NO: 32 (46.4)/46 (45.1); (ns). SO/NSO: 23 (46.9)/55 (45.1); (ns) | S/NS: 16 (20.0)/12 (13.2); (p=0.230); O/NO: 12 (17.4)/16 (15.7); (ns). SO/NSO: 10 (20.4)/18 (14.8); (ns) | NA | S/NS: 21 (26.3)/17 (18.7); (ns). O/NO: 18 (26.1)/20 (19.6); (ns). SO/NSO: 14 (28.6)/24 (19.7); (ns) | 1 (0.6) | S/NS: 20 (6–34)/14 (9–18); (ns). O/NO: 22 (2–42)/13 (9–17); (ns). 1-/3-y DFS S vs. NS: 62.7/40.9 vs. 52.3/31.7 (ns). O vs. NO: 65.1/45.5 vs. 51.5/29.5 (ns). |
S/NS: 54 (36–71)/49 (34–64); (ns). O/NO: 79 (45–113)/46 (37–57); (p<0.05). 1-/3-/5-y S vs. NS: 92.5/69.0/45.8 vs. 91.2/62.6/40.8 (ns). O vs. NO: 92.8/75.7/60.9 vs. 91.1/59.5/32.4; (p<0.05). |
Eriksson (2017) | Sweden | 2010-2014 | Muscle mass | SMI. If NAC: muscle mass loss/no loss: | 225. NAC: 97 (43). S/NS: 147/78. NAC no loss/muscle loss: 50 (51.2)/47 (48.8) | 97 (43.1). S/NS: 76 (51.7)/31 (40); (p=0.103) | NAC no loss/muscle loss: 40 (85)/34 (68); (p=0.048) | NA | NA | NA | NA | S/NS: 18 (12.2)/8 (10.2); (p=0.657). NAC no loss/muscle loss: 8/4 (ns) | 3 (excluded from survival analysis) | S/NS (ns). A >5% muscle loss during NAC did not result in worse RFS (p=0.105). | ↓OS in S (p =0.024). A >5% muscle loss during NAC did not worse OS (p=0.131) |
Okuno (2018) | USA | 2009-2013 | muscle mass and body weight before/after NAC | SMI, body weight | 169. Low/High SMI before NAC: 58/111. Low/High SMI after NAC: 61/108 | 169 (100) | 125. minor/major muscle loss: 110 (75.9)/15 (68.2); (p=0.44) | NA | 58 (34.3). Minor/major muscle loss: 53 (36.1)/5 (22.7); (p=0.34) | NA | NA | 18 (10.6). Minor/major muscle loss: 18 (12.2)/0 (0); (p=0.13) | NA | RFS Low/High SMI before NAC: 10.9/15.3 (p=0.26). RFS Low/High SMI after NAC: 12.5/14.0 (p=0.44). ↓RFS major/minor muscle loss: 9.6/15.9 (p=0.02). | OS Low/High SMI before chemotherapy: 68.4/71.5 (p=0.69). OS Low/High SMI after chemotherapy: 76.6/68.4 (p=0.82). OS major/minor muscle loss: 71.5/68.4 (p=0.42) |
Kobayashi (2018) | Japan | 2005-2014 | Visceral adiposity and muscularity | SMI, IMAC, VSR | 124. Normal/L-SMI: 100/24; normal/H-IMAC: 50/74; normal/H-VSR: 78/46. | 65 (52). Normal/L-SMI: 54 (54)/11 (46); normal/H-IMAC: 31 (62)/34 (46); normal/H-VSR: 42 (54)/23 (50) | NA | 49 (40). normal/L-SMI: 41 (41)/8 (33); normal/H-IMAC: 18 (36)/31 (42); normal/H-VSR: 35 (45)/14 (30) | NA | NA | NA | 16 (13. Normal/L-SMI: 13 (13)/3 (12); normal/H-IMAC: 4 (8)/12 (16); normal/H-VSR: 10 (13)/6 (13) | NA | 1-/3-/5-y RFS: normal SMI 57.4/29.9/27.6 vs. low SMI 50.0/33.3/25.0 (ns). Normal IMAC 66.0/31.5/28.0 vs. H-IMAC 50.2/30.0/26.3 (ns). Normal VSR 61.1/30.8/28.0 vs. H-VSR 48.4/29.6/24.7 (ns) |
1-, 3-, 5-year: Normal SMI 94.7/81.0/64.9 vs. low SMI 95.8/71.2/56.6 (ns). Normal IMAC 91.1/88.5/78.6 vs. H-IMAC 97.3/74.2/50.1 (p=0.054). Normal VSR 96.1/85.2/66.4 vs. and H-VSR 92.7/70.9/54.0 (ns) |
Van Dijk (2020) | Canada | NA | sarcopenia, myosteatosis, (systemic inflammation) | SMI, SM-RA; VAT; SAT; (CRP>5mg/dl) | 97 | 46 (47). Low/high SM: 27 (45)/19 (51); (p=0.54) | 68 (70). Low/high SM: 45 (75)/23 (62); (p=0.18) | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | systemic inflammation + one adverse body composition features 43.4 (28.9-57.9) vs. inflammation or one adverse body composition features 79.0 (48.8-109.2) vs. neither inflammation nor one adverse body composition features 109.5 (p=0.010) |
Van Dijk (2021) | Netherlands | 2008-2013 | Myosteatosis | VAT, SAT, TAT. | 218 | 150 (69). NAFLD: 92(68) | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA |
S, sarcopenia; NS, non-sarcopenia; SM, skeletal muscle mass; SMI, skeletal muscle index; SR-MA, muscle attenuation; IMAC, intramuscular adipose content; VSR, visceral to subcutaneous adipose tissue area ratio; OS, overall survival; RFS, recurrence free survival; DFS, disease free survival; PMI, psoas muscle index; NSR, non-sarcopenic resectable; SR, sarcopenic resectable, NAFLD, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, NA, not assessed.