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. 2022 Dec 15;12(24):3550. doi: 10.3390/ani12243550

Table 1.

Forage species consumed by cattle during the dry season along the coastal region of Benin.

Species Local Name Family Life Form * Common Name Climate Resilience **
Acroceras zizanioides Pagouri (Fu) Poaceae Perennial grass Oat grass no
Andropogon virginicus Klogbou (Fo) Poaceae Perennial grass Broomsedge yes
Brachiaria deflexa Rôti (Yo) Poaceae Annual grass Guinea millet yes
Cenchrus biflorus Agbokodjagbé (Fo) Poaceae Annual grass Cram-cram yes
Centrosema puberscens Gadigui (Fu) Fabaceae Perennial herb Butterfly pea no
Chamaecrista rotundifolia Abèko (Yo) Fabaceae Perennial or annual plant Round-leaf cassia yes
Commelina benghalensis Balassa (Fu) Commelinaceae Annual or perennial herb Wandering jew no
Cyperus difformis Kponnikpon (Fo) Cyperaceae Annual grass Small-flowered nutsedge no
Dactyloctenium aegyptium Landalaho (Fu) Poaceae Perennial grass Crowfoot grass yes
Echinochloa colona Goal (Fo) Poaceae Annual grass Junglerice no
Elaeis guineensis Déman (Fo) Arecaceae Woody African oil palm yes
Elytrophorus spicatus Gan siri (Fu) Poaceae Annual or perennial plant Spikegrass no
Eragrostis pilosa Selsênin (Fu) Poaceae Annual grass India lovegrass no
Eragrostis tremula Sarao Poaceae Annual grass or perennial Chinese lovegrass yes
Ischaemum rugosum Hêbêrê Poaceae Annual grass Saramolla grass no
Kyllinga erecta Goal Poaceae Annual grass spikesedges no
Kyllinga squamulata Goal Poaceae Annual grass Crested greenhead sedge no
Leptochloa caerulescens Monlougbé (Fo) Poaceae Annual grass Sprangletops yes
Loudetia arundinacea Kékéyo (Yo) Poaceae Perennial grass Russet grass yes
Mariscus cylindristachyus Gbékui (Fo) Cyperaceae Annual grass Flatsedges no
Nymphaea lotus Flowa (Fu) Nymphaeceae Perennial herb White Egyptian lotus no
Oryza barthii Rayêrê (Fu) Poaceae Annual grass African wild rice no
Panicum maximum Gayéri (Fu) Poaceae Annual grass Guinea grass no
Paspalum notatum Gazongbé (Fo) Poaceae Perennial grass Bahiagrass yes
Paspalum vaginatum Tchitchiri (Fu) Poaceae Perennial grass Seashore paspalum yes
Pennisetum pedicellatum Hulunin (Fu) Poaceae Perennial grass Deenanath grass no
Pennisetum purpureum Fan vovo (Fo) Poaceae Perennial grass Napier grass yes
Spermacoce verticillata Goudoudél (Fu) Rubiaceae Annual or perennial Shrubby false bottoweed no
Synedrella nodiflora Badjanadji (Fu) Asteraceae Perennial herb Nodeweed no
Tridax procumbens Kourkoudi (Fu) Asteraceae Perennial herb Coat buttons no
Vossia cuspidata Talol (Fu) Poaceae Aquatic grass Hippo grass no
Zornia latifolia Linguéri (Fu) Fabaceae Perennial herb Maconha brava yes

Local languages: Fu.: Fulani, Fo.: Fongbé, Yo.: Yoruba. * Akobundu and Agyakwac [11]; CABI [42]. ** Climate-resilient, as perceived by herders.