FIG. 6.
Additive effect of α-OS glucose and OpaA on MS11 invasion. Gentamicin protection assays were done using tissue culture medium containing either cytochalasin D (10 μg/ml) in DMSO or an equal volume of DMSO without cytochalasin D as a control (see text). Monolayers were infected in triplicate, and each experiment was done at least three times. Shown is one representative experiment each for Chang conjunctival (A) and ME-180 (B) cells. The graphs are plotted as triplicate values (dots) with means (horizontal lines). Data were analyzed by a modified Friedman statistical procedure (83, 84). The data in the left portion of each graph illustrate the additive effect of the proximal glucose and OpaA, in that MS11 lgtF (Opa−) was consistently less invasive than either MS11 lgtF (OpaA+) in ME-180 cells or MS11 var C (Opa−) in both Chang and ME-180 cells. The asterisk marks the value for invasion by MS11 lgtF (Opa−) that reached statistical significance compared to MS11 var C (Opa−). As expected, the invasion of OpaA+ GC was consistently inhibited by cytochalasin D; this is shown in the right portion of each graph. The plus signs denote significant inhibition of invasion by cytochalasin D.