Different ways to conduct
relaxometry experiments. The sample is
shown in yellow, the (nano)diamond hosting NV centers in red. Three
main approaches can be defined. In the first case (A, B), the sample
is scanned with a NV-containing probe, similarly to atomic force microscopy.
The scanning tip can either be made of diamond hosting NV centers
(A) or have a nanodiamond attached to it (B). The second approach
(C, D) relies on obtaining information from a stationary diamond placed
close to the sample. Most commonly, bulk diamond plates are used for
that (C). Nanodiamonds immobilized on a supporting surface or embedded
in polymer matrices offer a cheaper alternative. They can be measured
through a cover glass, in a microfluidic chip, or diluted in solution
in high concentrations. Also, they offer shorter measurement times
than bulk diamond plates due to shorter T1 time. However, with nanodiamonds
there is less control over the orientation of the NV centers and the
defect properties are usually worse (D). In the third approach (E),
individual nanodiamonds diffusing in the sample (chemical solution
or a live cell) are tracked during the experiment, allowing one to
map the spatial differences or to choose a specific position for the
measurements. Nevertheless, direct measurement of single nanodiamonds
in solution without immobilization is challenging. In cells, FNDs
are transported/diffuse relatively slowly or can be anchored to specific
locations (e.g., mitochondrial membrane, cell membrane).1,3