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FIG. 3.

FIG. 3

RT-PCR analyses. Negative controls were RT-PCR assays done without reverse transcriptase; positive controls were PCR assays done using the same primer sets but with DNA as the template. The sequences of primers are given in Materials and Methods, and the positions of primer sets are shown schematically in Fig. 1. (A) RT-PCR analysis of wild-type 81-176. Lane 1, RT-PCR with primer set 1; lane 2, primer set 1 negative control; lane 3, primer set 1 positive control; lane 4, RT-PCR with primer set 2; lane 5, primer set 2 negative control; lane 6, primer set 2 positive control. Ten microliters of 50-μl reaction mixtures were run on 1.2% agarose gels. (B) RT-PCR analysis of 81-176 wild-type and mutant strains. (a) Primer set 3, 20 μl of 100-μl reaction mixtures (Stratagene kit); (b) primer set 4, 10 μl of 50-μl reaction mixtures (EpiCentre kit); (c) primer set 5, 20 μl of 100-μl reaction mixtures (Stratagene kit). Lane 1, 81-176 RNA; lane 2, 81-176 negative control; lane 3, DS105 RNA; lane 4, DS105 negative control; lane 5, DS102 RNA; lane 6, DS102 negative control; lane 7, DS103 RNA; lane 8, DS103 negative control; lane 9, 81-176 positive control.