Table 1.
Mano Shakti Yoga (MSY) protocol designed for training session to handle anxiety.
Headings | Steps | Sanskrit Name | English Name | Repeat | Hold Time |
Beginning | B_1 | Vajrasana | Thunderbolt pose | Sitting slient | 3 Min. |
B_2 | Pada shakti | Ankle stretch | 10 Rounds (R,L) | Last round 15 Sec. | |
B_3 | Kati Vakra | Back twisting | 10 Rounds (R,L) | Last round 15 Sec. | |
B_4 | Kati chakra | Side stretch | 10 Rounds (R,L) | Last round 15 Sec. | |
Sun Salutation | SS_1 | Samastithi | Stand Straight | 3 | 15 Sec. |
SS_2 | Ardha chakra | Half moon pose | 3 | 15 Sec. | |
SS_3 | Padahastasna | Hand to feet | 3 | 15 Sec. | |
SS_4 | Ashwachalan | Horse ride pose (Rt leg Back) | 3 | 15 Sec. | |
SS_5 | Chaturangasana | Plank pose | 3 | 15 Sec. | |
SS_6 | Sashtanga namaskar | Eight limbs to floor | 3 | 15 Sec. | |
SS_7 | Bhujangasana | Cobra pose | 3 | 15 Sec. | |
SS_8 | Parvatasana | Mountain pose | 3 | 15 Sec. | |
SS_9 | Ashwachalana | Horse riding pose (RtLeg Fwd) | 3 | 15 Sec. | |
SS_10 | Padahastasana | Hands to feet | 3 | 15 Sec. | |
SS_11 | Ardhachakra | Half Wheel | 3 | 15 Sec. | |
SS_12 | Samastithi | Stand straight | 3 | 15 Sec. | |
Standing | K_1 | Ardhakati chakrasana | Half moon | 1 | R-L sides 30 Sec. |
K_2 | Vrikshasana | Tree pose | 1 | R-L sides 30 Sec. | |
K_3 | Ardhachakrasana | Half wheel | 1 | 20 Sec. | |
K_4 | Padahastasana | Hand to feet | 1 | 20 Sec. | |
K_5 | Parsavakonasana | Side stretch | 1 | 20 Sec. | |
K_6 | Padottanasana | Legs apart forward stretch | 1 | 20 Sec. | |
Sitting | S_1 | Vakrasana | Back twist | 1 | 20 Sec. |
S_2 | Ustrasana | Camel pose | 1 | 20 Sec. | |
S_3 | Pachimottanasana | Back stretch | 1 | 20 Sec. | |
S_4 | Purvottanasana | Forward stretch | 1 | 20 Sec. | |
S_5 | Navasana | Boat pose | 1 | 20 Sec. | |
Laying | L_1 | Stimulate & Relax | Stimulation, relaxation tech | 3 × 2 | 6 Min |
L_2 | Savasana | Corpse pose | 1 | 8 Min | |
Yogic Breathing | YB1 | Bhramari | Humming breath | 5 × 1 | 3 Min. |
Meditation | M_1 | Dhyana | Breath awareness | 1 | 5 Min. |
Ending | E_1 | Vajrasana | Thunderbolt pose | 1 | 3 Min. |