Schematic and representative views in echocardiographic assessment. (A) After depilation of the thoracic area, anesthetic induction with isoflurane is performed for echocardiographic evaluation. The mouse is kept in the supine position. The legs are clamped to the heating platform while the operator positions and directs the probe for the LV short-axis view. The red arrow shows the long axis of the transducer, as well as the location of the orientation notch on all transducers to guide the operator. (B) The use of M-mode allows assessment of systolic LV function by obtaining thicknesses of the interventricular septum, LV posterior wall and LV internal dimensions in both diastole and systole. (C) Representative image of sequences (at least 3 s per animal) obtained in non-diabetic (db/m), untreated diabetic (db/db) and hidrosmin-treated (db/db + Hidrosmin) mice. Abbreviations: IVS, interventricular septum; LVID, LV internal dimension; PW, LV posterior wall. All thicknesses in diastole (d) and systole (s).