to Be Taken
and Plans
Map vulnerable populations and public and
private health facilities (including traditional healers, pharmacies, and
other providers) and identify alternative facilities that may be used to
provide treatment
family health care unit and the environmental health unit of the deputy
of health care identified vulnerable populations based on prior health
services and programs.
Identify intensive care unit capacity
in the MoHb deputy of treatment observatory.
Continuously assess the burden on the local
health system, and as the less capacity to safely deliver primary health
care services
are directed to 16-hour and 24-hour centers for outpatient assessment and
their SIB c profile is updated accordingly, thus a load of
patients is observable in real-time.
Ensure that guidance is made available for
the self-care of patients with mild COVID‑19 symptoms, including guidance
on when referral to health care facilities is
on patient education are introduced to health care providers by the
deputy of health care.
Disseminate regularly updated information,
train, and refresh medical/ambulatory teams in the management of severe
respiratory infections and COVID‑19-specific protocols based on international
standards and WHO clinical guidance; set up
triage and screening areas at all health care
local protocols were published by the MoHb deputy of treatment
using expert teams.
Establish dedicated and equipped teams and
ambulances to transport suspected and confirmed cases, and referral
mechanisms for severe cases with comorbidity
treatment deputies planned this for all 16-hour primary health centers.
Ensure comprehensive medical, nutritional,
and psychosocial care for those with COVID‑19
following was organized by the Imam Khomeini Relief Foundation, the State
Welfare Organization of Iran, the Ministry of Education, Farhangian
University, Seminaries, and the Ministry of Agriculture:
- Phone diet counseling
via the 4030 system
- Phone diet tips and content via the
automated 1569 system
- Educational videos on diet and COVID-19 are
made and shared on social media for the public.
- Form
support groups for medical professionals who have COVID-19 and offer them
specialized dietary advice
- Give food packages for the pregnant
population and undernourished children, through charitable fund-raising
- Occupational health and geriatric program
experts visit the covered nursing homes, providing diet education for
their supervisors
- Preserve one-third of the workforce in
active duty during the control phase of the pandemic. Use of full
capacity should continue after primary control of pandemics
of behavioral sciences, the deputy of treatment, Tehran and
Shahid-Beheshti universities of medical sciences,dAkhavan
centre (Article 16),
edrop-in centers (DIC):
- Grief counseling was introduced as of April 15, 2020, for
COIVD-19 losses
- Screening of DIC patients
- Start the “4030” phone grief counselling system by reorganizing
the mental health workforce in April 2020
All are
monitored by the Iranian Medical Council
Participate in clinical expert networks to
aid in the clinical characterization of COVID‑19 infection, address challenges in clinical
care, and foster global collaboration (optional based on country
Prepare to assess diagnostics, therapeutics,
and vaccines for compassionate use, clinical trials, regulatory approval,
market authorization, and/or post-market surveillance, as appropriate
national-level regulatory is in progress.
Adopt international R&D blueprint
guidance and WHO protocols for special studies (companionate use,
monitored emergency use
of unregistered and investigational
interventions) to investigate additional epidemiological, virologic, and
clinical characteristics;
designate a clinical trial or study sponsor
deputy of research and technology is active.
Evaluate implementation and effectiveness of
case management procedures and protocols (including for pregnant women,
children, and immunocompromised individuals), and adjust guidance and/or
address implementation gaps as necessary
by the Iranian Medical Council
- The Special Needs Education Organization, the Sports and Youth
Office, the Barracks, universities and the covered faculties, and
seminaries all performed the following actions:
- In late February as schools were shut down, conditions for safe
reopening and possible risks of early reopening were fully explained to
the Ministry of Education.
- The SALAMAT.IR web portal was introduced to the Ministry of
Education, and the Chief Office of Education in Tehran province was asked
to register the health records of students.
- Arrangements were made with the Chief Office of Education in
Tehran for foreign students in Tehran province so that students without a
national code could register their health records in the SALAMAT.IR
- The MoHb Youth and Adolescent Health Office was asked
to propose an expert opinion on the process of restoring target group
services and missed cares through the pandemic.
- The Youth National Campaign website was
launched to involve children and teenagers in public health.
- Covered schools were asked to provide a report from student
health ambassadors during the pandemic.
The following special care services were organized by the State
Welfare Organization of Iran, marriage registration offices, midwifery
offices, the Iranian Medical Council, and primary health centers:
- Triage order in the health sector in addition
to the treatment sector for pregnant women
- Reduction of maternal
visits from 8 to 4 caused a loss of mental health screening visits in the
16th-20th weeks; therefore, mental health visits
were arranged for pregnant women needing them.
- Grouping hospitals for
deliveries based on whether a woman is COVID-19-infected or healthy.
- Proposal of virtual
childbirth classes for funding and infrastructure.
Children, and Breast milk
- Report of discrepancy in
COVID-19 screening form of the SIBc health system with the MoHb
standard service of “Child care” in primary health centers.
- Recommendations on
separation of general waiting halls in auxiliary primary health centers
from patient waiting rooms
- Follow-up of MANA
(Integrated Care for Ill Children) health form to be uploaded to the SIB
c health system for comprehensive patient management and case
- Excel registry forms for
pediatric patients were sent to covered primary health centers while the
SIB c system was being updated for MANA forms.
- Similar factors of the
MANA health program were compared to a similar timeline of last year to
investigate the pandemic effect on the pediatric population.
- Due to the financial
burden of the COVID-19 epidemic, subsidies are provided for formula
milk to rural infants under the age of 1 to prevent them from being fed
livestock milk.
- Monitoring the
implementation of baby-friendly hospital guidelines. planning for breastfeeding
counselling using social media/phone lines.