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. 2022 Nov 29;10(12):3069. doi: 10.3390/biomedicines10123069

Table 1.

COVID-19 in patients with hematologic malignancies (HM).

Reference Patient Population Risk Factors Clinical Severity Mortality
[8] 128 pts with HM (13 with COVID-19)
Median age 35 y
Co-bacterial infections 10 pts required oxygen 62%
[9] 35 pts with HM and COVID-19
Median age 69 y
Age, number of comorbidities 40%
[11] 928 pts with cancer and COVID-19
Median age 66 y
Age, male sex, smoking, number of comorbidities, ECOG > 2, active cancer 14% admitted to ICU
12% required ventilation
[12] 4966 pts with cancer and COVID-19 (10% with HM)
Median age 66 y
Age, male sex, obesity, CV and lung comorbidities, renal disease, diabetes mellitus, non-Hispanic black race, Hispanic ethnicity, worse ECOG, recent cytotoxic chemotherapy, HM Hospitalization 58.7% 14%
[13] 1250 pts with HM (16 pts with COVID-19) Age, number of comorbidities Hospitalization 80%
12% admitted to ICU
[14] 80 pts with HM and COVID-19
Mean age 69 y
Age, intensive therapy 39%
[15] 536 pts with HM and COVID-19
Median age 68 y
Age, AML diagnosis, indolent and aggressive NHL, PC neoplasms, severe COVID-19 15% admitted to ICU 36.9%
[16] 219 pts with MPN (29 pts with COVID-19)
Median age 62 y
Presence of AAbs against type I IFN Hospitalization 27.6%

Pts: patients, ECOG: Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group; ICU: intensive care unit; CV cardiovascular; AML: acute myeloid leukemia; NHL non-Hodgkin lymphoma; PC plasma cell; MPN: myeloproliferative neoplasms; AAbs autoantibodies.