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. 2022 Dec 12;12(12):1705. doi: 10.3390/brainsci12121705

Table 1.

Description of discursive variables.

Discursive Variable Definition
Speech rate and speech sound errors
Number of words Total number of words produced. Contractions were considered as one word. False starts, repaired sequences, and filled pauses (see “other disruptions of fluency”) were not included in word counting
Speech production rate Total number of words/duration of the sample without pauses
Phonological paraphasias phw (Total number of phonological paraphasias/number of words) × 100
Distortions phw (Number of distortions/number of words) × 100
Other disruptions to fluency
False starts phw Single words that are abandoned after some phonemes are produced. (Total number of false starts/number of words) × 100
Repaired sequences phw Complete words (or a single complete word) that are reworked. (Total number of repaired sequences/number of words) × 100
Filled pauses phw Examples of filled pauses are “hmmm” and “aah” (in Portuguese: “hum” and “é”). (Total number of filled pauses/number of words) × 100
Incomplete sentences phw Sentences abandoned (and not repaired) and sentences missing obligatory elements (a verb and its obligatory arguments). (Total number of sentences abandoned/number of words) × 100
Lexical-semantic level
Open-class proportion Verbs, nouns, adjectives, and adverbs ending in -ly (in Portuguese: -mente) were considered open-class words. Light verbs (verbs with little semantic content), conjunctions, prepositions, articles and pronouns were counted as closed-class words. Open-class words/closed-class words
Verb proportion Verbs/verbs + nouns
Lexical-semantic errors phw (Semantic paraphasias, paraphrases, and word-finding difficulties/number of words) × 100
% CIU Correct information units (CIU) are words that are relevant to the context (the picture) and informative.
Total number of correct information units/total number of words produced
Syntactic structure and complexity
Number of utterances Total number of utterances
Number of sentences Total number of complete sentences, i.e., a sentence with at least a verb and its obligatory arguments
Morphosyntactic errors phw (Total number of ungrammatical sentences, inflectional errors, and absence of determiners/number of words) × 100
Embeddings phw (Total number of sentences embedded within another sentence/number of words) × 100
Mean length of sentences Total number of words in sentences/total number of sentences
Proportion of sentences Total number of complete sentences/total number of utterances
Syntax production rate Total number of words in sentences/total number of words

Abbreviation: CIU = correct information units; phw = per hundred words.