Cell culture condition-dependent effects of KCa3.1 blockade on sensitivity to irradiation and temozolomide in U-251MG cells. (A–C). Representative images of colony formation (A) and plating efficiencies (B) of DMEM-grown or (C) NSC-grown cells after irradiation with 0 Gy and co-treatment with vehicle (DMSO, closed black circles), TRAM-34 (5 µM, open circles), temozolomide (TMZ, 30 µM, closed grey circles), or TRAM-34 (5 µM) together with temozolomide (TMZ, 30 µM, closed red circles). (D,E). Survival fractions of irradiated (0–8 Gy) cells co-treated with vehicle (DMSO, closed black circles) or TRAM-34 (5 µM, open circles) as determined by colony formation assay for DMEM-grown (D) and limited dilution assay for NSC-grown U-251MG cells (E). Data are individual values in (B,C) and mean ± standard error in (B–E) of three experimental units with three to four observational units each. Survival fraction curves were fitted according to the linear quadratic model and given as follows: DMSO, solid black line; TRAM-34, dashed line. Numbers in (B,C,E) indicate error probabilities (p values) as calculated with one-way ANOVA and Tukey multiple comparison test.