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. 2022 Oct 3;13(6):2070–2083. doi: 10.1093/advances/nmac105


Results by CVD status and by duration for flavan-3-ol intake and cardiometabolic outcomes from randomized controlled trials included in Raman et al. (15)1

Outcomes CVD status Intake duration
Y/N2 Number of studies Mean difference (summary estimate)3 Length of intervention, mo Number of studies Mean difference (summary estimate)3
Blood pressure
SBP, mmHg N 82 −1.40 (−2.23, −0.56)* <3 61 −1.24 (−2.13, −0.35)*
3–6 23 −1.70 (−3.26, −0.13)*
Y 4 −3.45 (−5.21, −1.69)* >6 2 −4.35 (−7.39, −1.31)*
DBP, mmHg N 84 −1.01 (−1.53, −0.50)* <3 64 −1.01 (−1.64, −0.38)*
3–6 25 −0.98 (−1.90, −0.07)*
Y 2 0.04 (−2.25, 2.32) >6 2 −0.65 (−2.61, 1.31)
Flow-mediated dilation
Acute FMD, % N 18 1.64 (1.23, 2.06)* <3 NR NR
3–6 NR NR
Y ? NR >6 NR NR
Chronic FMD, % N 17 1.05 (0.48, 1.62) <3 22 1.22 (0.69, 1.75)*
3–6 1 1.08 (−0.10, 2.26)
Y 6 1.88 (0.30, 3.46) >6 0 N/A
Glucose metabolism
Blood glucose, mmol/L N 80 −0.02 (−0.07, 0.02) <3 48 −0.01 (−0.04, 0.05)
3–6 27 −0.08 (−0.19, 0.03)
Y 3 −0.22 (−0.76, 0.32) >6 4 −0.12 (−0.67, 0.44)
HOMA-IR N 30 −0.15 (−0.29, −0.01)* <3 20 −0.10 (−0.27, 0.08)
3–6 12 −0.30 (−0.50, −0.10)*
Y 1 −0.30 (−2.04, 1.44) >6 3 −0.18 (−1.01, 0.65)
HbA1c, % N 24 −0.05 (−0.09, −0.004)* <3 12 −0.002 (−0.07, 0.07)
3–6 13 −0.08 (−0.14, −0.02)*
Y 1 −0.20 (−0.53, 0.13) >6 2 −0.14 (−0.37, 0.10)
Serum lipids
TC, mmol/L N 87 −0.06 (−0.14, 0.01) <3 60 −0.05 (−0.14, 0.04)
3–6 29 −0.09 (−0.21, 0.04)
Y 4 −0.12 (−0.30, 0.07) >6 2 −0.09 (−0.31, 0.13)
LDL-C, mmol/L N 77 −0.07 (−0.13, −0.007)* <3 55 −0.06 (−0.13, 0.02)
3–6 26 −0.08 (−0.17, 0.02)
Y 4 −0.07 (−0.38, 0.24) >6 6 −0.11 (−0.26, 0.03)
HDL-C, mmol/L N 84 0.03 (0.01, 0.05)* <3 58 0.01 (−0.01, 0.02)
3–6 31 0.05 (0.01, 0.09)*
Y 4 0.02 (−0.05, 0.08) >6 3 0.07 (0.01, 0.13)*
TG, mmol/L N 85 −0.03 (−0.06, 0.01) <3 59 −0.01 (−0.05, 0.04)
3–6 30 −0.10 (−0.16, −0.04)*
Y 4 −0.10 (−0.24, 0.03) >6 3 −0.02 (−0.19, 0.15)

Data pulled from Raman et al. (15) Supplementary Tables 3 and 7–17. CVD, cardiovascular disease; DBP, diastolic blood pressure; FMD, flow-mediated dilation; HbA1c, glycated hemoglobin; HDL-C, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol; LDL-C, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol; NR, not reported; SBP, systolic blood pressure; TC, total cholesterol; TG, triglycerides.


Y/N = yes or no; Yes = CVD diagnosis, No = no CVD diagnosis.


Mean difference between flavan-3-ol treatment group and control group. Summary estimate represents 95% CI. *Indicates significance of P < 0.05.