ALKBH5 shRNA-loaded BMSC-Exos reduces TNBC cell stemness and delays tumor growth and metastasis in vivo. (A): mRNA expression of ALKBH5 in the BMSCs and BMSC-Exos following ALKBH5 silencing determined by qRT-PCR; (B): The protein expression of ALKBH5 in BMSCs and BMSC-Exos following ALKBH5 silencing determined by Western blot; Mice were treated with ALKBH5 negative control-loaded BMSC-Exos (Exos- sh-NC) or ALKBH5 shRNA-loaded BMSC-Exos (Ex-os-sh-ALKBH5). (C): Tumor volume of mice; (D): Tumor weight of mice; (E): Positive expression of Ki67, NANOG, OCT4, and SOX2 proteins in the tumor tissues of mice determined by immunohistochemistry; (F): Statistics of number of lung metastatic nodules in mice; (G): Lung metastasis of breast cancer cells analyzed by HE staining. n = 8. * p < 0.05, compared with the mice treated with PBS and # p < 0.05, compared to the mice treated with Exos-sh-NC. Measurement data are expressed as mean ± standard deviation and comparisons between multiple groups were conducted by one-way ANOVA or repeated measures ANOVA. Statistical comparison was performed using unpaired t-test when only two groups were compared.